American Skin (41 Shots) is a song originally written and performed by Bruce Springsteen inspired by the police shooting and death of a young black man named Amadou Diallo in New York City in the late 90’s. Tragically the subject matter of this song is as relevant today as it’s ever been and so we wanted to share with you our own rendition of this song and urge you to donate to support the movement for justice and anti racist organizations. While obviously a song alone will not be an inflection point for societal change, we as artists wanted to share something in support of this incredibly important time in history and direct you to organizations who are at the forefront of effecting real change and fighting against the systemic oppression and racism that the black community and poc face every single day. We are not interested in making any money from this song and instead we ask that if you enjoy it please consider donating to one of the many organizations that can be found here:
Donate to the movement for justice and support anti-racist organizations
Thank you for listening. #blacklivesmatter